Pencinta makanan Korea, jom sertai Hansik 2018 Contest @ Global Taste of Korea!

Annyeong Yeorobun!!

Kali ini, kami bawakan berita baik untuk peminat makanan Korea. Lebih-lebih lagi mereka yang minat menyediakan hidangan Korea tersebut.

Kedutaan Republik Korea dengan sukacitanya menjemput pencinta Hansik Malaysia (Makanan Korea) untuk menyertai 2018 Hansik Contest, yang akan diadakan di pusat beli-belah Sunway Pyramid pada 5 Ogos 2018.

2018 Hansik(Korean Food) Contest adalah satu pertandingan masakan Korea yang dianjurkan oleh Kedutaan Republik Korea di Malaysia, Kementerian Luar Negeri Republik Korea, Kementerian Pertanian, Hal Ehwal Makanan dan Luar Negeri Republik Korea, Korea Agro- Perbadanan Perdagangan Perikanan & Makanan, dan Institut Promosi Makanan Korea.

Acara ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran mengenai makanan, tradisi, sejarah dan budaya Korea di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dan juga untuk menggalakkan para peserta untuk berfikir luar dari kotak dengan cuba menggabungkan makanan Korea mengikut  selera rakyat Malaysia.

Kedutaan Republik Korea sebelum ini telah menganjurkan Hansik Contest pada tahun 2015 dan 2016 di bawah kolaborasi universiti swasta Malaysia, Sunway University dan UCSI University. Pada tahun ketiga penganjuran Hansik Contest ini, ia  akan diadakan di Malaysia dan kali ini ia akan diadakan selaras dengan K-Food Fair yang dianjurkan oleh Perbadanan Perdagangan Agro-Perikanan & Makanan Korea dari 3 hingga 5 Ogos 2018 depan di Sunway Pyramid.

Sebanyak 16 pasukan akan dipilih oleh Kedutaan Korea berdasarkan penilaian dokumen dan pasukan yang terpilih akan menyajikan ‘makanan Korea yang boleh dinikmati oleh semua rakyat Malaysia (pork-free)’ pada hari pertandingan. Setiap pasukan akan diberikan masa 45 minit untuk menyediakan hidangan. Peserta kemudiannya perlu membuat perbentangan selama 3 minit yang merangkumi keaslian, globalization, passion for Korean food and culture.The contestants will be evaluated based on Correct Preparation and Taste(Taste, Composition, Hygiene, Plating, Degree of Difficulty) and Presentation(Originality, Globalization, Passion for Korean Food & Culture).

3 pasukan akan berpeluang untuk memenangi hadiah menarik –  3 tempat teratas akan memenangi wang tunai dengan jumlah keseluruhannya bernilai RM 7,000 (Hadiah Pertama RM 4,000, Hadiah Ke-2 RM 2,000, Hadiah Ke-3 RM 1,000). Pemenang Hadiah Utama juga akan memenangi percutian ke Korea secara percuma.

Ini apa yang anda perlu tahu.


Anyone interested in Korean food who meets the following criteria:

  •  Must be Malaysian citizen
  • Applicant’s parents cannot both be of Korean descent
  • Applicant and his/her parents must never have had Korean nationality (Korean adoptees are eligible)
  • Applicant must be able to travel to Korea in September with a valid passport


  • Participants shall provide the name and the photo of entries and submit together with the completed application form, concept and recipe of entries to Contest application form can be downloaded from our website ( or here.
  • To get bonus points (up to 5 points) at the contest, please include in the entry form the link of your cooking photos or cooking video clips such as YouTube or Facebook that show(s) your Korean cooking recipe of any kind.
  • Entry application will be closed on Wednesday, 25th July 2018 and late submission will not be considered.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by e-mail following the completion of the document evaluation.
  • Successful applicants will be invited to participate in the contest on 5th August 2018. In this case, extra documents may be required if necessary.


  • Only ONE person per team.
  • Participants must prepare food within 45 minutes and after that, each participant is to make a presentation for 3 minutes in terms of originality, globalization, passion for Korean food and culture.
  • Food prepared by the participants must be the same as the recipe that they submitted in the entry form.
  • 2 sets of a complete dish must be prepared – 1 for display and 1 for tasting.
  • Equipment provided by the organizer is as follows: 1 worktable, 1 induction cooker(single burner), 1 chef apron, 1 chef hat, per team.
  • Please bring pans and pots that work on the induction cooker. You are not allowed to bring your own portable gas cooker due to safety issue.
  • Participants must bring own water, cookware and food ingredients.
  • The organizer will reimburse RM200 per team for the cost of food ingredients.
  • Please note that the venue is not equipped with kitchen sink, participants should prepare pre-washed food ingredients as there will be no water provided.


  • Correct Preparation and Taste: Taste (35), Composition (15), Hygiene (10), Plating (5), Degree of Difficulty (5) – total 70 points.
  • Presentation: Originality (10), Globalization (10), Passion for Korean Food & Culture (10) – total 30 points.
  • Additional (Bonus) Points up to 5 points for those who meet the criteria.
  • The decision of the judges is final.


  • Entry Deadline: Wednesday, 25th July 2018
  • Contest Date: Sunday, 5th August 2018


  • Please send all enquiries to / 03 4251 2336 (Ext 111)

Selamat mencuba guys! Sebarang maklumat lanjut boleh diikuti di laman rasmi Korea Embassy dan FB Korea Embassy.