Lee Byung Hyun swept all the three prestigious awards – Grand bell, Blue Dragon and Paeksang with the same cinematic role, a feat unbroken since Choi Min Sik, Oldboy (2004)

With the latest winning in Grand Bell award yesterday, Lee Byung Hyung completed a feat that was unbroken since Choi Min Sik, Oldboy since 2004. He was coveted the Best Actor award in the three prestigious award ceremony – Grand Bell, Paeksang and Blue Dragon Awards. His award-winning role, Ahn Sang Goo (Inside Men) was a political henchman who worked behind the scene to escalate the aspiring top politician to be presidential nominee.  But, he was betrayed resulting him a dismembered hand. He worked with the aspiring prosecutor to revenge against whoever made him to be like this.

The Grand Bell award also honored Ra Mi ran in supporting category with her acting in Last Princess. She was also coveted the supporting actress award in Paeksang (2016) and Blue dragon (2014) with different cinematic role. Her big screen success, Reply 1988 managed to get her nominated in the supporting category too in 5th CARI Kdrama Awards competing with Song Yun Ah (K2) , Nana (The Good Wife) , Shin Rin Ah (Marriage Contract) and Kim Hye Ja (Dear My Friend) which was pending due on 14/1/2017.

The other winners were Son Hye Jin (The Last Princess) for the Best Actress prize and the Inside Men for the Best Picture, respectively.


Dengan kemenangan bergaya di Anugerah Grand Bell Daejong, Lee Byun Hyung telah berjaya menyapu kesemua anugerah Best Actor di ketiga-tiga anugerah berprestij di South Korea dalam tahun yang sama dengan watak yang sama, satu rekod yang sukar digugat sejak Choi Min Sik memenanginya melalui filem Oldboy pada tahun 2004.

Lee Byun Hyung membawakan watak sebagai Ahn Sang Goo dalam filem Inside Men yang mana dia menjadi pencacai politik yang akan buat apa saja demi memenangkan calon presiden. Tetapi, apabila mengetahui satu rahsia melibatkan ‘dana politik’ , dia telah dikhianati menyebabkan tangannya terputus.  Ahn Sang Goo bekerjasama dengan seorang pendakwaraya yang baru menaik, untuk membalas dendam dan menjatuhkan orang yang menyebabkan dirinya jadi sedemikian.

Sumber: xportnews.com